Section 1: Deploy and Configure Infrastructure

Deploy and Configure Infrastructure (25-30%)
Analyze resource utilization and consumption
Configure diagnostic settings on resources; create baseline for resources; create and test alerts; analyze alerts across subscription; analyze metrics across subscription; create action groups; monitor for unused resources; monitor spend; report on spend; utilize Log Search query functions; view alerts in Log Analytics

Create and configure storage accounts 

Configure network access to the storage account; create and configure storage account; generate shared access signature; install and use Azure Storage Explorer; manage access keys; monitor activity log by using Log Analytics; implement Azure storage replication 

Create and configure a VM for Windows and Linux 

Configure high availability; configure monitoring, networking, storage, and virtual machine size; deploy and configure scale sets 

Automate deployment of VMs 

Modify Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template; configure location of new VMs; configure VHD template; deploy from template; save a deployment as an ARM template; deploy Windows and Linux VMs 

Implement solutions that use VMs
Provision VMs; create ARM templates; configure Azure Disk Encryption for VMs

Create connectivity between virtual networks 
Create and configure VNET peering; create and configure VNET to VNET; verify virtual network connectivity; create virtual network gateway 

Implement and manage virtual networking 

Configure private and public IP addresses, network routes, network interface, subnets, and virtual networks

Manage Azure Active Directory (AD) 

Add custom domains; configure Azure AD Identity Protection, Azure AD Join, and Enterprise State Roaming; configure self-service password reset; implement conditional access policies; manage multiple directories; perform an access review 

Implement and manage hybrid identities 

Install and configure Azure AD Connect; configure federation and single sign-on; manage Azure AD Connect; manage password sync and writeback 

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